Well after wanting a free coaster for a couple of years. What a let down.Who would make a MTB hub that you cant use for jumping. I have had this hub for less than a week. I replaced bearings 4 times. I knew going in that this hub was based on there BMX version. I assumed they had oh i don't know tested it before putting it on sale. This hub blows out drive side bearings like there going out of style.
Bottom line. Don't buy one. It could have been brilliant but its the opposite of that. Its fun for flatland only. If used for anything else you will brake it. I can't see how this free coaster design is used by so many other company's. Being a Trials rider most of the parts i use are MTB parts. The quality is so much better. Sorry Khe your hub is in my opinion is junk!
Hi. Great to find someone going same sick way. Please share info about other freecoasters (if you have one). Like what about Profile Z profileracing.com/product/mtb-zcoaster-hub ? Can you send videos with freecoaster in biketrial?